A passage from the Bible that has captured my attention this year during this season of Lent comes from Luke 9:51. Jesus has been up in the northern or Galilee region, and the passage tells us that he “set his face to go to Jerusalem.” In other words, he’s heading for the cross. This isn’t a quick trip. It will take some time, especially with the pace that Jesus usually travels at. But even as he stops along the way to teach, preach, heal, and connect with people, still his face is set towards Jerusalem.
These words “set his face” speak of intention, they speak of purpose, and at least to me, they speak of Jesus knowing there is pain, suffering, and sacrifice in his future. Despite or because of all this, Jesus made a choice; he set his face, and took the first step that would take him to Jerusalem…and the cross.
I would guess there were many moments on that journey which provided opportunities for Jesus to reflect on his own connection with God and his purpose in living out God’s love here on earth. Were there moments Jesus wanted to turn around and walk in the opposite direction? Possibly! But still…he pressed on toward Jerusalem.
For us today, Lent provides a season in our lives which allows us to reflect on our own connection with God, our own journey of faith, and how we are living out God’s purpose and God’s love here on earth. This is why there are often various spiritual disciplines practiced during this season. Spiritual disciplines help us be open to the voice or Spirit of God speaking to us as we too “set our face” to following Jesus.
During Lent have you committed to giving up something? Good for you. May the discomfort you experience during this season cause you to reflect on Jesus’ discomfort and what he gave up of himself for each of us, as he drew near the cross. Have you committed to pray, read the Bible, attend worship more? That’s fantastic! May your growing connection with God not end when Lent or Easter ends, but may it be a new beginning of an ongoing journey of being present with God in our world. Have you made some other commitment or decision intended to make faith and God more pronounced in your life? Wonderful! Moving toward faith and the cross is always a worthy and life enriching goal! It’s true, practicing spiritual disciplines may not always be comfortable, but it always leads to a more meaning-filled life of faith.
May we understand that in this season of Lent, we too, have the opportunity to set our face toward the cross, we too have the chance to be intentional in our walk with Jesus, we too are moving forward on a crash-course with a culture that tells us “Love is not the answer.” But Jesus knew love was and is the only answer to what troubles this world…and what we seek in our lives! This is why we set our face toward the cross as followers of Jesus. We seek to live out the love that Jesus boldly and fully proclaimed…even by giving up his very life.
As we walk these final weeks and steps with Jesus toward the cross, may this season be a meaning-filled time of reflecting on our own faith journey, but also on how much Jesus loves us. He loves you and me so much…he set his face toward Jerusalem and went to the cross.
Pastor Keith