The Wave 08.04.2023

God waved at me this morning!!  Seriously…I believe God waved at me!  OK…for sure a doe waved at me.  But since I believe God is a part of all creation, I’m still saying God waved at me this morning during my morning run.  Let me explain what took place.

Most weekday mornings at about 6:10 or so, you’ll find me running.  Since it’s summer, I’m usually running outside.  My usual route is to run along Indian Village Road.  I like this route, because it’s about the distance I want to run, but also because I usually get to see some wildlife along the way.  

So, this morning I’m running along by the Prehistoric Indian Village.  I’ve already seen several squirrels, a few rabbits, etc.  I notice some movement in the trees up ahead.  Yep, there’s several deer stepping into a clearing and heading toward the road. The doe that was in the lead noticed me and froze on the side of the road.  I could sense her thoughts… “Do I dash across the road and hide in the thicker brush along the golf course or do I just stand here hoping this human won’t notice me.”  At least that’s how I interpreted the moment. 

Well, the deer decided to just stand there frozen, unmoving, a perfect deer statue.  I didn’t change my pace, direction, or even where my face was looking.  I didn’t want to startle the deer.  I always feel it is so cool when I can run and be so close to other creatures.  I admit I did give the doe the side-eye as I was going by just to see that beautiful creature.  She simply stood there watching me go by.

When I was probably about 40-50 feet beyond the deer, I turned around, walking backwards so I was still moving away from her.  It was then that I waved at the deer.  I don’t know why…I just did.  Even as I was doing it, the thought was in my head, “That’s dumb Keith, the deer can’t wave back.”  

Those words were still rolling through my mind when it happened.  The deer waved at me.  No, she didn’t pick up a hoof and wave at me.  Her wave came through her tail.  No, the tail wasn’t up in a “caution” or “alert” position.  It was hanging down.  But then, she simply wagged her tail!  Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish.  I know, maybe there was a fly or some other insect flying around her hind quarters, I don’t know.  But that wag came just as I was finishing waving at her.  So, again, I take it that the deer waved at me, at the very least.  But also, maybe it was God’s way of waving at me and saying, “Thanks for noticing this beautiful creature.”  “Thanks for respecting her space and not intentionally startling her.”  “Thanks for taking a moment to greet my creation.”  And the words came to mind… “When you do it unto the least of these…you do it unto me.”

You know, I needed a God wave this morning.  Just some little way of God saying, “Hi Keith…I see you and I’m with you today.”  Thanks God!  I see you and I’m with you today too.”

I’ve heard of God Winks, Godincidents, God sightings, etc.  Now I’m claiming a God Wave.  Today and in the coming week, as we each make our way along this journey, may we be open to the presence of God in our midst.  May we see God all around us in nature and creation.  And may we see some little or big way that God is waving at each of us saying, “Hi there…I see you…I’m with you!!  Now, together, let’s make it a good day!”

Pastor Keith