There is good news in the world!! There is good news in our church!! But to make sure that good news is heard, we have to tell the story! So, today I want to tell a couple of stories that make me smile.
The first good news story is that recently we had six people join our church family. Yes, six individuals met with me for a couple hours after worship several weeks ago to gain a little bit of history about John Wesley and the United Methodist Church. We also explored a little bit about who we are, Downtown Mitchell FUMC, as a church family here in Mitchell. Then, at the end of the time together on that day, they took the vows of membership and promised to support our church with their prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.
But the story I really want to tell speaks of the generosity of our congregation and how that impacts and causes others to want to be generous and to make a difference in the world, no matter how small. This story also speaks of the power of our use of technology and how we are able to include people in the community in our worship and ministry, even though they are not physically present in our facility.
Last week I led worship in one of our area care facilities. As residents were gathering for the service, I walked around greeting and visiting with them. So, I was kind of on the move. All of a sudden I heard “Pastor Nelson…Pastor Nelson…Pastor Nelson!” I looked and there was a dear lady pushing her walker along and trying to catch me. I stopped moving, she caught up with me and then a beautiful thing happened.
The woman reached into her pouch and pulled out a zip-lock bag containing some quarters and a couple dollar bills. She held it up to me and said, “This is my bingo winnings and I’d like it to go to the Noisy Bucket at your church.” How beautiful is that!! Then she reached into her pouch again and pulled out an envelope and said, “This isn’t much, but I’d like this to go to your camping scholarships, because camp is such a great place for people to hear about Jesus.” And again…how beautiful is that!!!
This wasn’t a church member who said and did this. This woman was someone who connected with our church through our technology during COVID. She has so appreciated and even felt connected with our congregation that she wanted to be a part of supporting the work and ministry of our church through the limited means that she had. In a sense, it struck me that this was sort of a “widows’ mite” moment.
What this experience reminded me of is the fact that we never know how God’s Spirit is at work in another person’s life…even virtually and through the use of technology. God’s Spirit is going to accomplish God’s purposes in whatever way possible. I’m reminded of a saying that is a part of my daily affirmations. “I am responsible for Faithfulness…God is responsible for Outcomes.”
Thank you for being a church that is open to doing new things. I’m sure there were those who didn’t like the idea of broadcasting worship through livestream, etc. all those years ago when the cameras and computers were first installed. But your faithfulness to use a new tool to proclaim the good news of Jesus is still bearing results today…even though a dear soul living in a care facility who I don’t believe has ever stepped foot in our facility. Yet, this dear woman is one of us…but more importantly, she is one of Jesus’ followers. Let’s keep making Jesus followers and sharing the good news!!
Pastor Keith